Tuesday, December 18, 2007

In Loving Memory of Zoe April Moore

Our beloved mini daschund Zoe passed away yesterday. We had to have her suffering ended by a vet. She was full of life right until the final couple of days. She had cancer and slipped a disk in her back. Still she tried to fight it. Yesterday she was in too much pain and could no longer take food or water. I'm sure she's in a better place now.
Bandit has had a hard time with it. When she struggled these past few days he kept a constant vigil by her bed, giving her kisses and trying to feed her his fried eggs. I've never seen a dog so kind to another dog. He even appeared to cry actual tears.
She was always a very loving dog, and very well natured for her breed.
Bandit keeps looking for her. Checking under furniture and whining because he can't find her.

Rest In Peace Zoe.


Unknown said...

I am so sorry for you. Your Zoe is in no pain now and even thou its hard just remember all the good times.

Miz Minka said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Zoe must have been very special indeed for Bandit to miss her so! I've had to make that trip to the vet with many dogs over the years, so I know how hard this is. Zoe was lucky to have had a home where she was well loved and taken care of!

I enjoy your Kody May Knits too, which I stumbled on from a link to "Asminah's Hat" on another knitting blog.